Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's just me

So! Thought I would just give you an update on how everything is going. Everything is fine! That was it! See you next time. Lol. Just kidding.

I just have been having this feeling that I just have not been seeing everybody in a long time. It's probabbly because I'm just going in this stage of life that I just want to spend some quality time alone. I don't know why that it is. Maybe it's a girl thing. Actually I don't think that's it. I try to be social but usually I just don't feel like being social. I love just sitting my room reading or scrapbooking or just looking up old movies on the internet. Is that weird?

I also have this urge to keep escaping every single weekend. Every chance I get, I go to Tucson to visit my friends there and my host family. And I am happy when I do that. Because I feel like I'm home. This is pretty frustrating. Does this all make sense or no? Because it's just confusing to me. Wow, look at me just going on about this. You know I need to find a new walking buddy. I miss Joe Larsen because he was my walking buddy last semester but now he's gone... =(

Okay what else is new? Uhm...well I am really excited about Spring Break yay! Don't know what I'm going to be doing but I will be home and I really really really really want to play water polo! YAY!!! I love water polo!!! Someday I will teach you all how to play and then we can play it sometime. It will be awesome!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Belated Valentines

Happy belated Valentines Day!! I know...it has been like 5 days or so but better now then never.

I actually had a pretty good Valentines Day. I didn't get any candy or a Valentine's rose from anybody or anything like that which was pretty sad. I bought myself some chocolate though pretending that I got it from George. He was my imaginary boyfriend. His name is George. He's really nice, you should meet him sometime. Anyways, went to Tucson for the weekend to see my host family again and also because it's a long weekend and seeing that I've done almost everything there is to do here. I went caving for the first time ever! It was alot of fun! Went with a couple of friends of mine getting lost in this cave. I didn't break any bones or so but I did bump my head pretty hard against this rock so I had a bump above my eye and it was kind of blue. Should have seen Rhett (he's my "big" brother) laughing at me. It was very sad... Oh well...

So yeah, that was my Valentines day.

What else is new. Oh my mommy sent me a package! I was so excited because I love getting mail and love getting packages from my parents because usually my mom puts in some yummy Dutch candy. Yeah, right, I was defenitley wrong about that. I open it and there is just this little tiny bag with like 5 pieces of black licorice in it. She did send me some stuff that I forgot in Holland when I was there over winterbreak. She also sent me a new shirt (yay!) and a new book. It's in Dutch and I'm having kind of problems reading with it. Oh no...does this mean I'm forgetting my native language????? NOOOOO!!!!!! I guess I should practice more often. But with who?? That's just the question.
My mom also made this little photo book for me with pictures of me in it when I was younger and my childhood and friends and family and that stuff. It was so sweet and I'll probably cherish it forever and ever ever ever ever. When I was looking at the pictures of myself though I realized something...I have not changed a whole heck of alot. Of course I look younger there but there is not really a major big difference in my appearance. Is that a good sign? I'll be 40 years old and still look like I'm 16. That might not be true. (NAME THAT TEACHER!!! lol)

I guess that's kind of it. Hope you guys had a splendid day and a good Valentines Day.
On behalf of me (and George) I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So! I found my old swim picture when I was on the swim team in High School. I thought I deleted that picture when I got rid of my MySpace but I found it in my recycle bin. Yay!

So anyways, I was looking at it and I really realized that I was skinny. Not like anorexic skinny but just good in shape skinny. No wonder my mom keeps on telling me to look at that picture. and it's all because of swimming. But then I stopped swimming. So I decided that I wanted to get my old figure back because considering my weight now, I look chubby.

To make a long story short...I am going to start eating healthy! So to remind myself of it I made myself a little note.

It says:
You need to stop eating junk food!
You are going to get FAT! Do you
want to look like a fat elephant? I
didn't think so.
Don't you ignore me
Joyce Renee van Vianen
Do not stuff that cookie in your mouth
you fatty!
Fine...you will be lectured at by your
mother when your fat and sitting with
your lazy bum on that chair.
That's what I thought.
Now go out there and show them that
you are skinny and can fit in the jeans
your mother bought you!
With love, Joyce
I personally think it's a very good note. It's hanging on my closet door right now so I can see it every single day. don't you think it's smart?

Monday, February 9, 2009


Kind of an update on how life is at the moment. In other words, I'm bored and don't know what else to do. At the moment I'm just sitting here listening to my ipod wondering why there is still Christmas music on it and why I'm still listening to it... It's been like 2 months since Christmas has gone by. Maybe I just want it to be Christmas every single day! That could be it.

Friday went to Living Legends. That was alot of fun. I don't know how to explain it but it's just alot of dancing of different cultures dancing about the seasons and stuff. It was very educational and interesting to see. I do have to admit that at the end it was kind of touchy. Me, Shelby and Kristy (I think you spell it like that) were just sitting there crying. Why? I have no idea! I think we were the only ones there that were crying lol.
After that we went to somebody's house and ate this huge cookie with ice cream on it and played games. That was alot of fun too. When we got home, Wendy and I got Mexican food and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The new version with Johnny Depp. Of course, Wendy fell asleep after the first 5 minutes so I was watching it all by myself until Shelby came home.

Saturday didn't do anything.

Sunday, I gave my first talk. It was about integrity and it went pretty good I think. I think alot of people liked it because they were laughing and stuff. To be honest I wasn't really trying to be funny but it just came out weird. It's probably because I'm Dutch lol.

That was kind of it. I don't really have an interesting life at the moment. At least I'm not listening to Christmas music at the moment.

I was actually just thinking what I'm going to be doing for Valentine's day. Of course, I don't have anybody. How sad... I'm the only one here in my room with no one to cuddle with. Seeing that Shae has Buck (kind of), Shelby has Gary and Wendy has Adam. And me? I have myself lol. Maybe I'll just cuddle myself lol. Nah, I shouldn't be so depressed about it. Somebody will come I just have to be patient. Yeah righ, me and patience? I already get mad when my computer freezes up for 4 seconds. Believe me, I counted.

Hoping that everybody has a good day! I sure am. I just missed my anatomy class because I fell asleep. Dang it. Why do we have to sleep? We should just stay awake 24/7. But then we'll probably get bored realy easy. I'll probably be on here like every 5 minutes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What is going on around here??

Maybe it's just me or is anybody else around here kind of FREAKING OUT because of the bodies they have found in the canals? I surely am freaked out. What is going on around here? Are we not safe around here anymore? I really just want to lock myself up in my room, sit on my bed and just cry... Agh! This is just frustrating. I guess this means that I can't take my daily routine walks to the postoffice anymore. That's too bad.

And the scary part about it too is that it can be anybody. It could be the guy in front of the line in Wal-Mart or the cashier at the gasstation.

Why? Why do people have to kill each other? Is it so that they can be funny and look how other people get freaked out about it thinking that they can be next? I surely don't think it's funny.

And I had so many plans for the weekend too. No that's actually a lie. But if I hear that there is going to be another murder around here I will be going to Tucson for the weekend.