Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hiking Picacho Peak

Surprised that I'm still alive huh? lol. Yes you read it right, I went for a hike this morning. I'm in Tucson at the moment visiting friends and the Baker family.
I went for a hike this morning with the youth of the chruch. Got up at 6 this morning...
Got at Picacho Peak around 8? Not sure... Anyways, we hiked all the way on top. I had a good bonding time with Rhett. It was nice. The only thing is that I'm not really a stable, well balanced person. So, I'm really grateful that Rhett was with me. I think that if I was hiking it alone I would probably be at the bottom of the mountain badly injured or maybe even dead. If that was the case then Rhett would probably be on my computer right now seeing that I promissed him he could have it when I'm dead...
The way up to the top was not bad. I think I slipped like 3 times or so. Now the way down, is a wayyyyyy different story. I have no idea how many times I was slipping and falling and scaring the crap out of Rhett because he thought that I rolled down the mountain. I was so happy that he was there though. Everytime I would slip or just couldn't get down a steep rock or whatever he would help me. But sometimes I think he wanted tokill me though by pushing me off or so. He kept on joking around with it... Oh well, I guess you can say that thats what "big" brothers do for their "little" sister.

Yup, that was my adventure for today. Not really the most exciting thing in the world but hey! I'm still alive and I still have my computer! The only thing is that I've got some cuts and blisters and bruises on my hands and legs. Oh well. That's what hiking is all about!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Long time no type

Wow, it has been such a long time since I written something again. Lets see, last time I think it was lik in October? I have no idea actually. I do know that it has been a very very very very long time.

Okay...where to start?!

I finished my first semester of school here at EAC (Eastern Arizona College for people who don't know) and am now attending my second semester here. Still living in the dorms with the same roommates (Shae, Shelby and Wendy). Nothing has really changed around here. Just classes and yeah that's it!

Let's see what else is new...

Oh I went to Holland for Christmas to visit my parents and friends. It was fun for 3 weeks. Glad to be back here though. Really missed the hot Arizona weather. It was sooooooo cold in Holland! I don't like the cold weather but it was nice to see my parents again. I did so much stuff when I got back! Not... All my friends were either at school or working or were just too busy with their lives. I did go ice skating though on our canal. That was interesting. I was so scared that I would crack the ice and go for a little chilly dip...So grateful that that didn't happen. There's a picture of me putting on my skates.
Oh something just came to mind. Actually 2 things that had happend in the past 24 hours.
Last night I went to the hot springs with Shae and Buck. We went in Buck's truck which is just a 2 seater so I was sitting on Shae's lap. It was a really bumpy ride but we got there okay. When we got there I opened the door so I could, of course, could get out of the car. So I put my right leg out of the car so I could put it on the ground and then I could balance so I would swung my left leg over Shae and I would get out like that. There was just one thing, I didn't really realize that Buck kinda parked in a ditch so it was a long ways until my right foot would hit the ground. Plus my left leg got hooked to Shae so yup there I went tumbling to the ground literally falling out of the truck and I landed on my back. Yes I know, clumsy me. But I always seem to do that...I don't know why though...
Anyways, Buck kind of freaked out because I was just lying there. It calmed him though because I was laughing. I don't know why I laugh either when I hurt myself. Oh well... Didn't hurt myself that bad. I just have a bruise right now.
Second story. This actually happend this morning. I woke up around 3 o'clock this morning smelling something that was burning. It was strange seeing that we don't have a kitchen so it freaked me out. I turned on the light to see what it was, couldn't find it so I went back to bed. Was kind of falling back asleep waking up again because the smell was just really bugging me. Turned the light back on and walked around the room to see where it was coming from. Still couldn't find it so I woke up Shae but she was sleep talking so she wasn't really a help. Went back to bed still smelling it and it was giving me a headache. So I packed up my stuff and slept in the community room on the couch.
Next morning told Shelby and Gary (who is Shelby's boyfriend) about it. All of a sudden Shelby freaked out and my story reminded her of a movie (which I don't remember the name of) that she saw. Gary explained to me the movie. It was about this girl that was possed by the devil and every single morning at 3 she would smell something burning. I guess 3 in the morning is an evil time. I didn't believe it at first but he said it was a true story. So natural girl instincts... I believed him! Why? Don't know.
Wendy came in and I told her about it and it scared her too lol. So I'm sitting on the couch just thinking that I'm possesd by Satan when Shelby (who I didn't notice left) comes running out the room saying that her dvd player had melted to each other. In other words, that's what I was smelling the whole entire night. I was so happy to hear that you have no idea. Yes, Joyce had another blond moment in her life. Hey, but I was born blond so leave me alone! lol jk.
Anyways, I am not possesd by the devil! Halleluja.
I think it's time for me to read my scriptures now...
Okay, well that's kind of it. This was pretty long actually. If something else comes to mind I will write it. But for now I'm getting a headache so I'm going to listen to music and fall asleep...